Year 2024
Pindaan AUKU: Antara autonomi mahasiswa dan matlamat pendidikan - [10 Mei 2024]
Year 2022
Memorandum Cadangan Penambahbaikan dan Reforms Berkaitan Pendidikan Tinggi Negara kepada YB Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia
Pendidikan Tinggi Dalam Manifesto: Apa Yang Kita Mahu? - Lensa IPT, RTM [28 Oktober 2022], 9.00 PM
Bajet 2023 Pendidikan Tinggi Berkualiti - Ruang Bicara, BERNAMA [4 Oktober 2022], 9.00 PM - 10.00 PM
PenDaPaT Members Meet and Greet Session 3 [4 October 2022], 2.00 PM - 3.00 PM
PenDaPaT Members Meet and Greet Session 2 [7 September 2022], 2.00 PM - 3.00 PM
PenDaPaT Members Meet and Greet Session 1 [10 August 2022], 2.00 PM - 3.00 PM
Commonwealth Postgraduate Forum [30 June 2022] - Postgraduate Publications: Opportunity or Necessity?
PenDaPaT Discourse Series 1/2022 [14 April 2022] - Student Wellbeing: Are we doing it right?
Commonwealth Postgraduate Students in Malaysia Forum [17 March 2022]
8th Annual General Meeting PenDaPaT 2022
Bicara Pengarang Buku oleh Dato' Dr. Qasim Ahmad; Pengajian Tinggi: Pendemokrasian, Pengkomersialan dan Pengantarabangsaan [22 Januari 2022, 2.00pm; Zoom Meeting ID: 849 2685 0179; Passcode: AGM2022]
Annual General Meeting PenDaPaT [22 January 2022, 2.00pm; Zoom Meeting ID: 849 2685 0179; Passcode: AGM2022]
Link Attendance Annual General Meeting PenDaPaT 2022 [22 January 2022, 2.00pm - 5.00pm - Online]
Research Advocacy Taskforce: Guidelines for Op-Ed Articles
Year 2021
PenDaPaT Discourse Series 3/2021 [24 September 2021] - Emergency, Remote and Online: Student Learning Amidst Lockdown
Bicara Kenegaraan Siri 1, Pendidikan Tinggi Negara: Merdekakah Kita? [7 September 2021]
7th Global Higher Education Forum 2021 (GHEF 2021) [16 & 17 August 2021]
PenDaPaT Discourse Series 2/2021 [22 June 2021] - Internationalisation: What's next?
PenDaPaT Discourse Series 1/2021 [24 March 2021] - Leadership response to COVID-19 pandemic
Year 2020
Wacana Akademia dan Pembangunan Polisi anjuran PenDaPaT dan IPSAS, UPM [5 November 2020]
“Pembangunan Polisi Berasaskan Penyelidikan: Pelan Induk Johor sebagai Pusat Tamadun Melayu Antarabangsa 2021-2025”
Academic Forum 2020 anjuran PenDaPaT dan UiTM [26 November 2020]
“Higher Education Leadership in Navigating the COVID-19 Disruption”
Webinar PenDaPaT-UiTM [28 Julai 2020]
“Navigating the Future Direction of Higher Education in Malaysia”
Wacana Khas COVID-19 anjuran PenDaPaT dan UPM [20 April 2020]
“Semasa dan Pasca COVID-19: Apa Mahasiswa Perlu Tahu?” dan “Pendidikan Tinggi Pasca COVID-19: Perubahan atau Kesinambungan”
Commonwealth Academics in Malaysia Forum [16 Januari 2020]
“Commonwealth Academics in Malaysian Universities: Boon or Bane?”.
Year 2019
Wacana Intelektual "Pemasyarakatan Ilmu Melalui Inovasi Sosial" [6 Dec 2019]
YBhg. Profesor Emeritus Dato' Dr. Ibrahim Komoo, Felo Penyelidik Utama, Institut Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan (LESTARI), UKM.
Roundtable on Higher Education and Sustainable Development Goals 2019 [July 2019]
“Transitioning from Postgraduate Studies to World of Work in the Academia”
Commonwealth Postgraduate Students In Malaysia Forum [July 2019] |
“Transitioning from Postgraduate Studies to World of Work in the Academia”
Wacana Intelektual Edisi Khas [Mac 2019]
""Moratorium Penubuhan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT) di Malaysia : Wajar atau Tidak".
Sindikasi Jawatankuasa Kajian Dasar Pendidikannegara (JKDPN) bersama AJK PenDaPaT[ 2019]
Year 2018
Syarahan Umum Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Bersama Dato' Morshidi Sirat [Aug 2018]Syarahan umum bertemakan "Fenomena Hibrid Dalam Universiti Awam: Tuntutan, Peluang dan Cabaran".
Memorandum Cadangan Penambahbaikan dan Reformasi Berkaitan Pendidikan Tinggi Negara [Jun 2018]
Pertubuhan Pembangunan Penyelidikan dan Dasar Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia (PenDaPaT) mencadangkan pemansuhan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) 1971 yang dianggap tidak releven dengan perkembangan pendidikan tinggi semasa, dipertimbangkan. Isu berkaitan AUKU meliputi empat cadangan berkaitan adalah antara sembilan perkara pokok disenarai PenDaPaT melalui Memorandum Cadangan Penambahbaikan dan Reformasi Berkaitan Pendidikan Tinggi Negara kepada Menteri Pendidikan, Dr. Maszlee Malik.
Year 2017
Academic Leadership Programme with UNIMAS, UMS and USM [Nov 2017]
From 01 November 2017, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, AKEPT and PenDaPaT have collaborated in organizing the Academic Leadership Programme with the local universities such as UNIMAS, UMS and USM.
AKEPT Leadership Talk Series: 4th Series 2017 Social Innovation [29 Aug 2017]
Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa AJK PenDaPaT telah bekerjasama dengan pihak AKEPT untuk merancang dan mengadakan AKEPT Leadership Talk Series Ke 4 pada 29 Ogros 2017.
Academic Leadership and Four Career Path Module Development [Apr 2016 - Jun 2017]
AKePT has requested to PenDaPaT to develop a leadership training programme to fulfill the part of “Leadership and Career Path Implementation Framework”, which is one of the framework developed by AKePT and MoHE, in regards to the requirement of the National Higher Education Development Plan - Malaysia (2015-2025). The programme consists of 8 modules related towards academic profession, leadership, policy and higher education governance.
Year 2016
Communication Skills: A Prerequisite for Academic Excellence [Dec 2016]
The seminar aims to enhance the UMK's academician comprehension toward the importance of English and its influence on the academic excellence. The seminar also provides opportunity to acquire hands-on skills on communication, presentation and writing in English.
Southeast Asian Higher Education Summit [Nov 2016]
The summit was a part of the initiative on developing knowledgable and potential talent that contributes toward the nation development through 10 main shift from the National Higher Education Development Plan - Malaysia (2015-2025).
Funding Research on a Changing Landscape [Aug 2016]
Session to share information and collaboration opportunity from research grant and funding to encourage the establishment of start-up company, along with proper application guidelines.
On Being an Academic in Private Higher Education Sector [Aug 2016]
The workshop aims to provide the essential basic and know-how on academic practice in the private higher education institution.
Round Table Dialogue on Talent and Capacity Building in Malaysia [Nov 2015]
The Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) 2015-2025 (Higher Education) has identified four career pathways for academic staff: (i) Teaching; (ii) Research; (iii) Practitioner; and (iv) Institutional Leadership or Administrative Management. Academics should excel by choosing one career pathway to advance their careers.
Seminar Akademik Berbudaya Cemerlang (ABC) University Malaysia Kelantan [Aug 2015]
This seminar served to provide exposure to the aspiring academician towards the current state and development of the national higher education along with enhancing their understanding regarding the profession and roles of academician.
Seminar On Higher Education Research Policy (SHERP) [May 2015]
The seminar aims to gather inputs regarding the National Higher Education Development Plan - Malaysia (2015-2025) and ponder upon the issues related to policy and implementation of the transformation shift that requires utmost attention.